IEN 소식

브래드포드 대학교(University of Bradford) 특별강연


영국대학교연합 NCUK 한국센터 학생들을 위한 브래드포드 대학교(University of Bradford) Christoph Bluth 교수님의 특별강연이 9월 8일에 있을 예정입니다. Christoph Bluth 교수님은 국제안보와 한반도 문제의 전문가이시며 강연은 동북아시아 안보와 관련된 주제로 진행됩니다. NCUK 재학생 외에 이번 강연에 관심을 갖고 계신 분들께도 참석 기회를 드리고 있으니 온라인 예약을 해주시길 바랍니다.

(온라인 예약 선착순 20명 <-클릭)

*온라인 예약 선착순 20명 안에 드신 분께 참석 확정 연락을 드립니다.*

주제 : The emerging regional security complex on Northeast Asia: Sources of Instability

In recent years the geopolitics of Northeast Asia has become more complex. Regional security has come to the fore with as China has raised tension of long-standing territorial disputes and the Korean peninsula has seen a succession of crises.The rise of China as a regional economic, political and military great power has provoked a pivot to Asia by the United States and created uncertainty about the future of the region. Do we see the “peaceful rise” of China, or will China seek to play the role of regional hegemon. Are the recent economic and financial problems in China an indication that the Chinese model of economic growth is beginning to falter?
Professor Christoph Bluth will address the key issues facing the region and the options for policy-makers in Korea, Japan, China and the United States.

강연자 : 브래드포드 대학교 Christoph Bluth 교수님

           International Relations and Security/Dept.of Peace Studies


Korean Research Hub 설립자 (the university of Leeds, the university of Sheffield에서 설립)

Country expert for asylum seekers from North Korea, China, Vietnam, Pakistan, Iran and Iraq. Informal advice to policymakers in the UK and South Korea.

Research Fellow Department of War Studies, King’s College London.

Lecturer, Department of Government in University of Essex

Professor of European and International Studies, University of Reading

Professor of International Studies, University of Leeds.

Visiting Professor, Yonsei University, Seoul (객원교수)

Research Fellow, Korean Institute for Defense Analyses (한국국방연구원 연구위원)

Regional expertise in Russia and Eurasia (Especially Korea)



2025년 신입생 입학 설명회 : 3/22(토), 3/27(목)